

We strive to make PlainInventory as close to your needs as possible. That is why we release new updates on regular basis to provide you with a dependable online inventory management plugin at a reasonable cost.

3.1.3 2 June 2023
  • Added automatic update for Pro version.
3.1.2 17 May 2023
  • Minor fixes.
3.1.1 31 Mar 2023
  • Minor fixes.
3.1.0 16 Jan 2023
  • Added fixes for compatibility with PHP 8.2.
3.0.7 18 Aug 2022
  • BUG: it might not install on some WP configurations due to an error in install script.
3.0.6 10 Jan 2022
  • Updated translation files.
3.0.5 2 June 2021
  • BUG: Paging links weren't displayed for the transactions list.
3.0.4 17 May 2021
  • BUG: Search didn't work in the contacts list.
3.0.3 14 May 2021
  • Modified user permissions part: only one role for user and the ability to override default permissions.
  • Minor fixes.
3.0.2 30 Apr 2021
  • BUG: Items couldn't be added to transactions.
  • BUG: Settings/About page displayed an error.
  • Minor fixes.
3.0.1 19 Apr 2021
  • A few code optimizations.
3.0.0 14 Apr 2021

New major update.

  • Added Customers for Sales and Suppliers for Purchases.
  • Simplified orders and purchases: removed shipments and receipts. Items are now considered delivered if the purchase or the sale is set to the Issued state.
  • WooCommerce integration is (temporily) disabled.
  • Internal framework update.
2.1.1 14 Feb 2021
  • Updated language file up to date.
  • Added Finnish language.
2.1.0 10 Dec 2020
  • PlainInventory's ownership has been changed to Plainware.
2.0.4 19 Sep 2019
  • Modified the Add Items view for sales and purchases so now it's possible to add multiple items at once.
2.0.3 9 Sep 2019
  • BUG: Fatal error if used together with WooCommerce.
2.0.2 1 Sep 2019
  • Added delete actions for items, purchases and sales.
  • Internal framework update.
2.0.1 6 Jun 2019
  • If WooCommerce is installed, our plugin can use its products as inventory source.
2.0.0 2 Apr 2019

A major update of PlainInventory with effective minimal design, quick framework core code. Safe, stable, and precisely engineered.

1.0.4 11 Mar 2019
  • BUG: translation files were not active.
1.0.3 8 Mar 2019
  • Added .pot language template file.
  • Minor code cleanup.
1.0.2 6 Mar 2019
  • BUG: Broken view in the purchase receive view.
1.0.1 9 Jan 2017
  • A couple of code changes to speed things up a bit.
1.0.0 29 Sep 2016
  • Initial public release.